Summer time to dream of the time still to come

There are some certainties we hope to see in life. One of them is that we get to see four seasons in the year, one of which is summer when we can leave work behind and take a holiday.

Today is the day. Children may start enjoying the summer holidays and many parents are looking forward to going out with their children too.

Whatever may happen, everyone does want to make the best of what is to come.
Those who believe in the words of the Bible will now have more time these warmer days to delve further into that Word of God. Together with family, they will be able to see how God has always supported His People and how His promises have become true.
Further, they will know that there will be another time that will make all our problems and concerns forgotten. For we may believe that those promises of God that have not yet come true will indeed come true.

“Now faith is the persuasion of the things that are in hope, as if they were in act; and [it is] the manifestness of the things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1 Murdock)

Faith sees substance in the scriptures that paint a wonderful picture about a time to come of peace and safety such as has never been. The world as it is today maybe appears permanent, its roads, vast cities, transport systems and institutions unassailable. Yet the eye of faith sees a vastly changed vista, for faith views amongst many things.

May summer time, during the wonderful days of rest, make us continue to dream of that time to come, of which we hope to be partakers.

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