Afghan mums throw their babies over barbed wire fences and beg British soldiers to take them to safety

On 2021 August 19 the first rescue mission by the UK government carrying Afghan evacuees has landed safely in the UK after escaping the Taliban even as thousands remain trapped in Kabul and fearing for their lives.

The first flight of British nationals and embassy staff arrived at the base on Sunday night, and more flights carrying Afghan interpreters and other eligible locals are expected in the coming days.

Royal Navy Vice Admiral Sir Ben Key told Sky News:

‘How long have we got to do it? We don’t really know, so every day we are working as hard as we can to bring as many forward into this pipeline as we possibly can.

There are new disturbing reports that the Taliban has been beating Afghans trying to flee Kabul.

The airport in the capital city is the only way out of the country.

Although the US has secured the airport itself, the Taliban control the road to it and have set up numerous checkpoints in Kabul’s north.

Geez Liberia

Desperate Afghan mums have been filmed throwing their babies over barbed wire fences at the Kabul airportand begging British paratroopers to take them to safety.

Violent scenes have unfolded at one of the routes to Hamid Karzai International as people try to escape a future under the Taliban militant group.

The entrance to the Baron hotel has become the focal point where Afghans seeking refuge in the UK have been gathering in the hope of being able to escape the Taliban.

It is guarded by Parachute Regiment troops.

One officer told the Independent: “The mothers were desperate, they were getting beaten by the Taliban.

Afghan mums throw their babies over barbed wire fences and beg British soldiers to take them to safety

“They shouted, ‘save my baby’and threw the babies at us.

“Some of the babies fell on the barbed wire. It was awful what happened.

“By the end of the night there wasn’t one man among us who was not crying.”

Afghan mums throw their babies over barbed wire fences and beg British soldiers to take them to safety

Another senior military officer spoke about…

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