Afghan Notes: Jason Florio, August 2000

Afghan Notes: A group of Kuchi nomads, sitting in their makeshift shelter, on the road to Kandahar, Afghanistan. Image ©Jason Florio

Afghan Notes: A group of Kuchi nomads, sitting in their makeshift shelter, on the road to Kandahar, Afghanistan. Image ©Jason Florio

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Afghan Notes – Three Hazara girls in full burqa. The picture of the cat hung on the wall behind them is considered illegal. Kabul, Afghanistan, 01/08/2000. Image ©Jason Florio

Afghan Notes

Afghan Notes – Jason Florio, August 2000: The Taliban Ministry of Foreign Affairs told us on arrival to Kabul that we could take pictures of anything as long as it’s not a living being – all images of humans and animals had been outlawed by them. Later that day we headed into an area of Kabul, home to the Hazara ethnic group, who were particularly persecuted by the Taliban. Next to a mortared mosque, a Hazara man tried to sell us a 1970’s travel guide to Afghanistan with stained pages and a broken spine for $20, but after we declined he invited us into his home. His three young sisters came to join us and Brazilian journalist, Pepe…

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2 responses to “Afghan Notes: Jason Florio, August 2000

  1. Pingback: These days of August thinking of our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan – Belgian Ecclesia Brussel – Leuven

  2. Pingback: The outlook for Afghanistan looks grim | From guestwriters

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