The West is crossing a dangerous new threshold in Ukraine

The Times, June 1, 2024


Since the autumn of 2022 Ukraine’s western backers have crossed one threshold after another in response to President Putin’s invasion of his neighbour. After much agonising, the West first gave Kyiv offensive multiple-launch rockets, then Patriot air defence missiles, then Nato tanks, then cruise missiles, then F-16 aircraft, and latterly, ATACMS — the US army’s tactical ballistic missile system.

On Thursday, President Biden took a hesitant step across the most delicate threshold of all, announcing that Ukraine could use some of the most offensive of these US weapons to strike at targets on the Russian side of the border opposite Ukraine’s Kharkiv region. No wonder Kremlin figures are rushing to the microphone to issue — as usual — dark threats about escalation towards a general European war. Nato is determined not to be frightened by Russian bluster, even though some of its individual leaders manifestly are. Like the US military aid package in April, Nato simply views this threshold as one it must now cross if Ukraine is to stay in the fight against a rapidly mobilising Russian war machine


Ukraine is already believed to have used the British-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missile, with London’s permission, against fixed targets on the Russian side of the border. A number of long-range weapons systems may be involved in the coming weeks. Ukraine has already used U.S. weapons to strike inside Russia in recent days, according to a U.S. senator and a Western official familiar with the matter.

The Bible says specifically that the king of the south (US/UK) will “push” – militarily provoke – Gog the Russian ruler. The word “push” means to “gore” as a horn of an animal. It is a good analogy for what is happening. Missile strikes using US/UK weapons = a goring of Gog.

Bible quote

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him [Gog]: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. (Daniel 11:40)

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton

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