The Social Media Kindness Project


Talin Orfali Ghazarian

The Social Media Kindness Project
by: Talin Orfali Ghazarian

Social media has become a big part in today’s society and some people use it for goodness, positive and inspiration, but others not so much. Some people tend to use social media in a negative and toxic way to spread hate, bullying, rudeness, and sending terrible comments to anyone. As previous generations have taught “If you have nothing nice to say or do, do not say or do anything at all”. That is the golden rule.

So, with that I have come up with the social media kindness project. You have no idea what someone is going through in their lives. It is always a good idea to be kind and use social media in empowering and positive ways. This is going to take a village to do. Social media needs a big makeover and we need to start somewhere.


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Filed under Activism and Peace Work, Announcement, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Social affairs, Welfare matters

3 responses to “The Social Media Kindness Project

  1. royiii replied on that article, saying on June 28, 2021 at 4:05 pm:

    I agree with your project aims. One thing the trolls probably don’t realise is that it is possible to trace the source of an abusive tweet. The cloak of anonymity gives the trollers confidence to spread their poison. If they know they can be held accountable for their actions it may be enough to make them think twice about doing it.


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