Where It All Needs to Start

Uninterestedness, self-centredness, self-assurance, lust are characteristics of all times. But as time goes by, it is important that man pays more attention to how he lives and how he relates to the environment, the other creatures that the Creator has provided for man.


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“We must think critically…” to check what to nurture and leading yourself towards love – guiding to a place of courage and compassion, generosity and hope, joy and kindness and forgiveness and integrity.



Looking forward to a year full of Kindness

Kindness to Yourself

Adventures of the Madcap Christian Scientist

You know, this stuff didn’t start with Trump. The greed, the racism, the me-firstness, the bullying, the dishonesty, the corruption, the mean-spiritedness – that stuff has been a part of our society and politics for a long time – the only difference in the last couple of years is that it’s come out in the open – people almost seem proud of their hate and greed and dishonesty now. And to see all of that being played out in front of us – in the open – is disheartening, yes. But… here’s what gives me hope: It seems to me that if there’s been a rise in acts of hatred, there’s also been a rise in acts of kindness in the last couple years – people seem, to me, to be more conscious and deliberate about kindness.

And that’s where it all needs to start, doesn’t it? The healing and…

View original post 35 more words


Filed under Being and Feeling, Crimes & Atrocities, Ecological affairs, History, Lifestyle, Nature, Political affairs, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs, Social affairs, Welfare matters, World affairs

3 responses to “Where It All Needs to Start

  1. Pingback: Dividing walls of “race” | Stepping Toes

  2. Pingback: Entering 2022 still Aiming for a society without exploitation or oppression – Some View on the World

  3. Pingback: Today’s thought “Whoever desires to love life and see good days …” (December 13) – Belgian Ecclesia Brussel – Leuven

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