Is it really so?

Many nations in the world encounter difficult days in this time of CoViD-19. In many countries, the earth came to shake a lot and volcanos came to give a spectacular amount of smoke and ashes and magma flowing down.

(We would consider all that signs of the time.)

In many countries, nature shows that it conquers the virus and conquers man that destroyed already so much. But nature is the stronger one to man.

For sure

“We’re on the verge of something”

and we can feel it moving! Many deny that there is That Mightier Power which is above any man. Many try to fight against It or against His creation.

In these times of trials, we could seclude ourselves from all contact with all other humans. We could go in full lockdown and let the darkness pass, without having to interfere in our own house. But we should know that having to live in this present world, we can not ignore it. For those who believe in God and His sent one, it is high time to come out of the darkness and step into the light.


I heard it said that these are dark days for our nation. I wondered, according to who? why am I to agree? I do have free will and a choice, do I not? That is my decision, to embrace what is, and to choose to see it as my opportunity to infect my sphere of influence with the Love that has been so graciously been bestowed upon me.

Photo by Philippe Donn on

I am choosing to behold, observe and revere the mystery of the nature of things. In carrying on with the experience that if I am aware and honest, pausing to reflect upon the magnificence and miracle of living, I can experience the “Light infused darkness” that accompanies acceptance of uncertainty. I don’t know and don’t need to. Growth doesn’t occur in my comfort zone. Celebrate life and give thanks for the chance to make this a…

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Filed under Being and Feeling, Re-Blogs and Great Blogs, Religious affairs

2 responses to “Is it really so?

  1. Pingback: Undermining security and democracy via the Internet | Marcus Ampe's Space

  2. Pingback: Only during the second wave more infections were recorded – Some View on the World

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